Monday, June 6, 2011

Graduation Anticipation

After many sleepless nights I have decided to go ahead and walk in my graduation. I know Mable will be looking down on me with pride! So I hope she understands why I cannot attend her funeral. OK so now on to what is weighing on my  mind, GRADUATION!!!!!! I feel like a little kid stressing about walking across that stage. WHAT if I fall on my face cuz ya know I got this bum ankle and sometimes walking is just not easy for me.... Then there is the horrifying fact that I will be graduating with ummm a bunch of people I have never even spoken too, oh the horror!!!!! Yes so I actually feel like I am 10 years old and have to stand on stage for some sort of contest to see who has learned the most   :p  yes this is my life I am super excited but scared out of my wits all at the same time. On top of all this I ordered the cutest pair of shoes for the occasion and( mind you I only paid $6.00 plus shipping) I get these most awesome shoes in the mail only to have my heart break and realize these shoes will make me at least 9 feet tall..... This just is not going to work well with the bum ankle :( On goes the search of another great pair of almost awesome shoes... Wish me luck and Make Good Choices :)

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